Donald on Software

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Database Unit Testing from the Beginning

  Published on November 15, 2011 ·  11 min read ·   Author: Donald L. Schulz

The concept of unit testing for a database and really this means a database project still seems like a wild idea. Of course I am still surprise how many development shops still use their production database as their source of truth which it shouldn’t be but that’s because they do not have their database in source control. In order to take you down the road to explore some of the benefits that are going to be available to you with being able to run unit tests on your database I need to get us all caught up with how to create a database project as this is where the magic happens....

Database Schema Compare where Visual Studio goes that extra mile

  Published on January 27, 2011 ·  7 min read ·   Author: Donald L. Schulz

There are a number of good database tools out there for doing database schema comparisons. I have used different ones over the years at first initially to help me write SQL differencing scripts that I could use when deploying database changes. If your background is anything like mine where you were namely a Visual Basic or a C# developer and could get by with working on SQL if you could write directly to the database....

The Two Opposite IT Agendas

  Published on August 17, 2009 ·  5 min read ·   Author: Donald L. Schulz

The Problem I have been in the Information Technology (IT) field for a long time and most of that time has been spent in the development space. Each environment different from the previous one and in some cases there were huge gaps in the level of technology that was used and made available in each location. This has stumped me for a long time why this was. You go to a user group meeting and when ever the speaker was speaking about a technology that was current and he would conduct a quick survey around the room how many were using this technology, the results would be very mixed....

Goal Tracking

  Published on February 9, 2009 ·  5 min read ·   Author: Donald L. Schulz

Since about the beginning of the year I have been thinking about goal tracking. I compiled a long list of technologies that I wanted to learn, experiment with and maybe even build some projects using some of these newly learned skills. Nothing quite like turning something new into something useful. I find that this technique provides me with the best understanding of how and why a technology would be used in one scenario over another....

Who is the Boss

  Published on June 21, 2008 ·  5 min read ·   Author: Donald L. Schulz

For most of our lives we have a constant struggle to try to be the boss of ourselves. Does it ever happen? When you grew up as a child I am sure you have memories similar to mine where at some point in your life you were struggling to gain control of your own life. Could not wait to move out of the house and get out on your own, so that you could be the boss of you....