
Testing a Docker Image as part of a Jenkins Pipeline

Published at January 15, 2021 ·  9 min read

One of the things that I have wanted to do is to test the structure of a docker image that I have just built. This should come right after the build stage so that if the structure is not what I expected, it would fail the build so that I don’t have a bunch of broken images sitting in my docker registry. I guess that this happens because I am using a docker image to build my project and the result of that output is copied into a clean docker image that will be my final image that can then be run as a docker container....

My Roadmap for 2021

Published at November 30, 2020 ·  6 min read

For my next couple of blog posts I thought I would try something a little bit different then what you might usually see on these pages. Today I am going to talk about 2021, the topics that interest me right now and what you could be expecting to see in the coming months. The year 2020 has certainly been an interesting one for many. This was a massive change for a number of businesses where they were forced to rethink the way they were doing business....

Integration Testing DotNet Core

Published at January 17, 2020 ·  5 min read

It is pretty easy and straight forward to create a dotnet core application and run your unit tests during a build process. However, I also have some integration tests that I run in my Dev and QA environments where I actually hit my test database. This is not something that you would run in the build process as I do not have a database on the build machine and this is not something that would be worth the trouble to install one, especially if you are using a hosted build agent....

Who left the Developers in the Design Room

Published at May 23, 2016 ·  5 min read

This post is all about something that has been starting to bug me and it has been bugging me for quite a while. I have been quiet about this and have started the conversation with different people at random and now it is finally time I just say my piece. Yes this is soap box time and so I am just going to unload here. If you don’t like this kind of post, I promise to be more joyful and uplifting next month but this month I am going to lay it out there and it just might sound a bit harsh....

Let the Test Plan Tell the Story

Published at April 5, 2016 ·  6 min read

This post has been the result of some discussions that I have had lately when trying to determine the work flow for a client but this often comes up with others in the past but what I had never used as an argument was the role of the test plan in all this. Besides being an eye opener and an aha moment for the client and myself I thought I would explore this thought a little more as others might also find this helpful in understanding and getting better control of your flows....

Database Unit Testing from the Beginning

Published at November 15, 2011 ·  11 min read

The concept of unit testing for a database and really this means a database project still seems like a wild idea. Of course I am still surprise how many development shops still use their production database as their source of truth which it shouldn’t be but that’s because they do not have their database in source control. In order to take you down the road to explore some of the benefits that are going to be available to you with being able to run unit tests on your database I need to get us all caught up with how to create a database project as this is where the magic happens....